There is a widely known Pareto efficiency principle 80/20. It’s when 20% of efforts provide 80% of the result, and the rest 80% of efforts leads to 20% of result correspondingly.
Wasting about 80% of the overall productivity time is very disturbing for the managers especially if the business tasks and plans are not delivered and the expected profit isn’t gained or doesn’t meet expectations. Even if all the deadlines are successfully met, still there is a concern if the wasted 80% of time can be minimized. Of course, CEOs and business owners expect from the employees a 100% performance, but receive about 20%. After all there is this big question for the CEOs, directors, and managers: what is this 80% time is being spent on?
To minimize wasting working time first you need know how exactly it is being wasted.
Employee computer monitoring software comes very handy here. As per WorkTime customers here are the most common activities employees waste their 80% of working hours for:
- Chatting with colleagues (in person and IMs);
- Frequent coffee breaks;
- Checking Facebook every 5 minutes;
- Reading news;
- Watching YouTube videos;
- Online shopping;
- Checking bank account;
- Searching for a new job!
And very often the main reason for wasting your working time is not a lack of employees’ motivation, but a lack of control and management assistance during working hours. Also, an employee might be very professional, but there could be a lot of distracting factors taking his / her attention from the real work tasks.
Employee monitoring software is an effective way of redirecting employees from the social networking and coffee breaks to delivering the remaining 80% of results to the company. With employee monitoring software it’s quite possible to convert employees’ working time to 100% of effectiveness, thus increase profits a few times.
How to bring this simple idea to life? Our 20 years experience shows, that employees perform better being monitored and acknowledging this fact.
WorkTime, respectful employee monitoring software, helps companies with boosting employees’ productivity in 5 easy steps:
- Install WorkTime solution and announce employees are being monitored.
- Start tracking and getting reports.
- Analyze Summary and Active/Idle reports on a regular basis.
- Make a plan for working out employees issues.
- Watch increasing productivity level in company’s team!
What’s next?
- Feel free to ask our team any questions: Your suggestions are welcome, please, email us.
- Read related articles: How To Monitor Employee Behavior with WorkTime?
- View infographic: 4 Types Of Employee Workplace Behavior?