Many employees find it difficult to be productive during the whole working day. This eats corporate money! The challenge of unproductive employee behavior is partially solved via such incentives as gamification at the workplace, varied financial motivators, equity share for top performers, trainings on engagement, etc. They say, employers are lucky to get 6 hours of employee productivity per day after all the efforts performed. To understand better the behavioral models of office staff, the following classification of employee behavior is suggested. There are 4 main types of employees defined according to their range of workplace behaviors:
Social nets addicts
These employees start their working day by checking whether their Facebook posts have been liked by others, they often ‘twit’ and sharing pics on Instagram runs through their veins. Just imagine how many work hours are consumed by social nets use! Find here our Infographics How Much Is Facebook For Employers
Others’ responsibilities gurus
Such employees aren’t usually true experts of their field. To cover own flaws, these guys usually wear other people’s hats. For instance, instead of looking for prospective clients, a sales manager would try blog posts writing, or a marketer who would perform recruiting. Obscure roles are no good for any business.
Task performers
Performers usually lack motivation and self-organizational skills. In case no tasks are set for such employees, they feel lost and disoriented. Even such requirements as what software to use for work-related activities and whether they are allowed to make personal calls should be defined for these guys.
Top achievers
The thinking style of achievers is ‘I can and will do whatever is required to succeed and on my own terms’, alongside with an urge for flexible schedule and self-control practices. Well, providing such an employee has already increased your business ROI by ten times, why not to allow him browse the Internet for personal usage?
How to monitor employee behavior?
According to NesterSoft Inc., to evaluate productive employee behavior, – its counter side, unproductive hours, – should be taken into consideration. Do your employees browse the web just for fun during their paid hours? Are they sometimes late from lunch? Unproductive range of office activities might also include: Facebook use by employees, online or offline software game playing at workplace, non-web distractions like often coffee breaks or non-work phone calls, etc.
Employee behavior is evaluated by WorkTime
Employee monitoring software is a tool to use when employee behavior issues arise. Remember our first employee type, social nets addict? WorkTime employee monitoring software faces the challenge by its Facebook Use and Top 5 Social Network reports. WorkTime easily assists employees be more productive by evaluating their behavior with the reports from Behavioral Analysis cluster. For instance, Software Use Habits, Personal Internet Use and Active / Idle Time Habits reports will tell the manager who is performing what during the paid hours.
In case businesses care about boosting their productivity (read: income), their employees need to be trained as to how to behave at workplaces. To do so, managers evaluate employee working style beforehand. Employee monitoring software is an appropriate instrument to track employee behavior and relevant working styles. Employee monitoring software reports show the whole office situation by defining employee performance. The time wasted on numerous digital distractions as well as idle computer time (or non-Internet distractions), the attendance issues and software / documents usage, – all these and much more is captured by WorkTime reports.
By WorkTime employee monitoring software that tracks employee behavior
Further reading: 4 Hacks To Perform An Efficient Employee Monitoring